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Tell your story for the generations to come

Kineration's a digital repository for people's true stories. Shareable with loved ones, accessible for free, forever.

Our mission

Everyone has their stories to tell, but nearly all are lost over time. Wikipedia is only for highly noteworthy people while autobiographies are a hassle to print and limited in access. Kineration is a nonprofit organization with the mission to digitally archive the life stories of everyday humans. You write and share your stories, we'll keep them accessible for future generations to learn from your wisdom.

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How Kineration works

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Create an account

You can choose if you want your stories to be accessible by anyone or only with private links.

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Write your stories

Draft and publish stories using our simple and easy text editor.

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Share your stories

Share a secure link to your stories with those you want to read them.

and in the future...

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Your name and stories indexed

Your profile will show up when descendents search Kineration or the web by family name.

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Family confirmation

For private accounts, your stories will only be accessible to verified family members.

Your life stories, forever accessible in a digital format

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Writing your stories benefits you as well

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Looking back at your life is therapeutic

Recalling your experiences can help enlighten you as to how you became the person you are today.

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Take comfort in being remembered

You can trust that your stories and legacy will survive as long as the internet does.

Create your lasting legacy for future generations

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